Evolution of the Logo
After I had already written a song or two, I wanted to name a website with a play on words that would represent my ultimate goal….
I figured using a
play on words
was a popular thing to do–it was everywhere. Rappers used it to select their performance names, companies used it to name their products. It was just a fun, clever, catchy way to present something. People “got it” when they saw the word play and liked it.
You already know that my ultimate goal is to convey to all of you teens my conviction of how important you and your future are…
to motivate you to become your best selves, to achieve your full potential,
to actualize.
“actual eyes”
was already taken
so I changed my name very quickly to
2 Actual eyes®
and I am very glad I did!
Having successfully claimed the domain name, I needed to create a logo that was
eye-catching and memorable…
Turns out some people thought my last logo went beyond edgy into
grim and foreboding.
That is not the impression I was after!
And, I discovered people did not “get” the “play on words!”
I needed a different logo… for several reasons.
Many serendipitous events–happy coincidences–have occurred as I did all that needed to be done to try to achieve my ultimate goal.
The people I have met have been incredible!
It was serendipity that led me to Todd, my music producer, beat maker, and go-to-guy for lots of technical things.
It was serendipity that led me to Christa, my website designer, builder, and do-it-yourself guide.
She designed a number of logos for me to consider. Elements were combined from several options and changes were made to come up with a logo that is easy to read, keeps the integrity of my trademark, and, hopefully, helps people “get” the word play between
“2 Actual eyes®” and “to actualize.”
Remember the ultimate goal:
Everything connected to this site is meant to sincerely express my high regard for you, your future, and your impact on the future of the world.
Truly. Absolutely. Straight up!
Read the full logo history
and give me your thoughts about all my previous logos–
The Pretty. The Edgy. The “Foreboding…”